Marcus Christl and the editorial team led by Urs Ramsperger and Lindita Abazi

Annual Report 2023

Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics - ETH Zürich

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We hope that you will enjoy browsing through this report and maybe get inspired by one or the other exciting research project. The report nicely demonstrates the interdisciplinarity and breadth of research carried out at LIP. This year, our collaborative research projects range from instrumental developments that require fundamental knowledge of underlying physics, such as developing a setup for 32Simeasurements, to detecting minute amounts of radionuclides in sea water to trace ocean currents or in rocks to determine their cosmogenic exposure age. Our main nuclide, radiocarbon, opens up its own cosmos of research and applications. In this report, we revisit the Ötzi, have several very interesting archeological applications, trace slave trade in Medieval times, apply the dating technique to ancient artistic objects, use it to determine sources of carbon in sediments, water, air, and even amino acids, and study radiocarbon in labelled nanoplastics. Highlights from our Materials Sciences group involve the investigation of new materials for Li-batteries, semiconductors, and for solar hydrogen production and a substantial improvement of our ion microprobe system.

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht 0.5 kg
Größe 21.0 × 29.7 cm
Art Neu
Titel Buchreihe Annual Report
Quelle Neu
Kurztitel Annual Report 2023
Autor Marcus Christl and the editorial team led by Urs Ramsperger and Lindita Abazi
Herausgegeben von ETH Zürich
Titel Buchreihe Annual Report
Format A4
Verlag LIBRUM Publishers & Editors LLC
Jahr 2024
Sprache English
Auflage 1
Seitenzahl 135
Abbildungszahl ca. 200
Produktform Broschiert
ISBN-13 978-3-906897-94-3


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